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We offer independent, confidential and free counselling in cases of
discrimination and support in finding ways to take action against

Our focus is on counselling in cases of anti-Semitic incidents. These can be, for example:

⦁ Anti-Semitic slogans in the workplace or at school.
⦁ Insults and threats on the street or in leisure time
⦁ Damage to private property or synagogues.
⦁ Anti-Semitic stickers or flyers in your neighbourhood.

Individuals affected, their relatives, witnesses and communities can contact us. In cases
of anti-Semitism, we provide counselling throughout the region of Westphalia-Lippe, if
necessary also on an outreach basis, i.e. we come to you. Our counselling is
independent of whether or not a criminal offence has been committed; you can turn to
us in all cases of anti-Semitism. We will help you deal with the situation at hand. Even if
you do not need counselling, you can report anti-Semitic incidents to us at any time.

In Dortmund, we also provide counselling in all cases of discrimination, i.e. if you have
been discriminated against, harassed or devalued e.g. at the workplace, in educational
institutions, by the authorities, on the housing market or in your leisure time because of
racist attributions, your your origin, skin colour, religion, gender, sexual identity, age or

Our counselling is a professional support service that helps you deal with the
experience of discrimination and come to a solution. Because you do not have to accept
discrimination and you can defend yourself against it! With us, you have a protected
space to talk about your problem. We listen to you and inform you about your options.
Together we will then develop further steps to take against the discrimination. In doing
so, we are guided by your wishes and goals.

Possible steps can be:

⦁ Psychosocial support and talking about what you have experienced.
⦁ Counselling within the framework of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG).
⦁ Help in writing a letter of complaint
⦁ Obtaining opinions
⦁ Accompaniment during talks, e.g. with employers, schools or authorities
⦁ Referral to other counselling centres
⦁ Information and support in taking legal action.

To make an appointment for counselling, you can simply contact us by
phone or email. Counselling can also take place in English or Russian
upon request.